Reclaiming Power Lost

Next Immersion: June 15th-18th, 2023

(the following description was co-created by my original facilitation partner, Victoria Markham. )

Our time together is designed to allow a full life review of where we have given away our power and where we have, or are ready to claim our leadership within the world. We have calibrated our systems to an ill society. By stepping away and using nature as our source we gain access to the full capacity of strength, well being and insight available.  

We believe it’s time to heal the collective burden that hinders the powerful, sexual beings we are. We believe the world is longing for the embodied, empowered feminine, working in alignment and balance with the masculine.

We will return to the potent transitions of our lives and our sex, we will collect parts and pieces lost, we will examine how we were shaped by culture and how to find our own, new way.

We will spend our time re-learning how to listen, to our bodies and to nature’s timing, nature’s ways…. thus discovering how to align these forces and draw from them in all we do.

Want more details? Read on.

Ready to join us? Click below to contact Sarah.


Though we honor the experience of all genders and identities, this course is specific to the rites of passage of those with wombs, past or present.


$440.00 per person. Payment plans available with a non refundable $200.00 deposit.  Payment in full is due TWO weeks before program begins. LIMITED TO 12. Work trade is available.

Daily Flow

Our activities will revolve around the following:

  • Solo walks/sits in nature

  • Journaling with prompts

  • Solo and group ceremony

  • Silence together

  • Altar Creation and Art

  • Authentic Movement

  • Listening practices and Sensitivity Training

  • Circle , dream collecting and Council

  • The Lost Teachings of our fertile bodies


Food not included but optional catered dinners of nutrient dense, organic foods are available for a cost. Attendees must provide their own breakfasts and lunches. A community kitchen will be available.

Interfacing with the Great Outdoors

We will be camping and have minimal provisions. Attendees will need to be prepared for all early summer weather conditions. There will be access to a composting toilet, running water and an outdoor kitchen. You will be responsible to get to the location on your own accord, directions will be provided. We will sleep outside, in tents, thus you will need to provide your own tent and sleeping bad/pad. We will be able to assist you in renting or borrowing these if necessary. If these arrangements pose a problem please let us know. There will be inherant dangers that go along with spending time in the wild. Waivers will be required. Sarah is a Wilderness First Responder and we will have one other attendee with medical skills as well. We will carry basic first aide kits in case the necessity arises. We do not suggest however, that you join this retreat if you have any serious health conditions that may put you at high risk of needing immediate healthcare. Our time together will include solo hikes into the woods. These journeys will be completely self-paced and no expectations as to speed or distance are involved. We will also be doing some simple movements and exercises intended for a diversely able group. If you have concerns regarding any of this please let us know!


Healing, feeling, grieving, listening, getting current, getting clear, claiming sovereignty and power as women and as leaders in a time we are so needed.

The weekend offers a chance to reflect on the very things that make us who we are; people with wombs/women. We will spend time contemplating on the thresholds and life transitions we have experienced, and imagining those to come.  We will reflect on how they have been held (or not held) by society, ourselves, our families… The weekend's activities will offer an opportunity to find resolution or completion with past stories; a chance to rewrite an experience, to hold each other in creating new narratives for these transitions… as well as an opportunity to envision and create intentions for the passages ahead of us.  The ultimate goal is to step away more whole, more prepared to be who we are here on the planet to be, having accessed the source of our power and creativity (blood, sex, creation, birth, death). We will do this by connecting with the inevitable rituals of our lives, by connecting and listening to nature and by connecting and listening to each other.