Teacher Training Program
I offer one of only a handful of training programs designed to certify practitioners as “Fertility Awareness Educators” (FAE) and Holistic “Sexual and Reproductive Health Educators” (SHE). This program is for those of you who are experienced in cycle tracking that feel strongly that you would like to offer this practice and a greater body of body literacy education and women’s wisdom in a professional setting. It is an excellent match for those already in the healthcare field that would like to add this skillset to theirs, but is open for application to anyone with a passion for the material. It is an in-depth two year program that occurs primarily on-line, therefore offering access from any location. If you would like to be on the mailing list to hear announcements about the program and application period, please register below. But first, please read on and learn more!
The program is based in the following core beliefs
Please note: In the program, we explore and experiment with gender language, utilizing both typical binary language and newer more inclusive terms. We seek to honor and uphold both the complex history of women in our culture while also being inclusive of those who are gender non-conforming.
Sovereignty and Autonomy: We have the potential to be the experts of our own bodies and be an equal partner in our healthcare. This requires developing (or remembering) how to listen to our bodies and to nature, and learning how to trust them to guide us.
Collaborative Education: We are all teachers and we are all students. We educate each other by stepping forth with our personal and professional life experiences and wisdom.
Emotional Intelligence: This educational journey welcomes you to bring all of yourself. Over the two years of studies, you will be supported and encouraged to traverse not only an intellectual and professional journey but also an emotional and spiritual one if so desired.
Diversity: Each group is mindfully chosen to include participants from varying cultural, ethnic, economic and lifestyle backgrounds so our understanding of life can grow from exposure to difference.
Activism & Intersectionality: The program encourages awareness and attention to the intersection of environmental and social justice and promotes activism as a way to create change towards a healthier life for all
Accessibility: Scholarships and Payment plans are available to create access for participants of varying economic status.
About the Program
A new round of the Teacher Training Program begins every year!
Inquiries are accepted year-round. Please add your name to the waitlist and you will be notified when the application period opens.
I send announcements about applications and other program details via newsletter as well as posting on my Facebook and Instagram business pages.
The application period for each new round begins in June, the summer prior to the start of each round of the program.
Preparations begin in the fall and classes begin at the start of the new year.
I offer three (partial tuition) ‘Diversity Scholarships’ for each cohort of the program. This financial assistance is to support a more diverse student body in the program as well as offer reparations to populations who have historically had less access to academic institutions due to systemic racism. Please inquire via email. There is also an option in the application for those who would like to contribute to this fund.
Accessibility is primary to the program. Given the current state of the world and the economic challenges we are facing, I have expanded the price range, giving those who can the opportunity to pay more to support those who can’t. I will continue to offer scholarships and work trades. If you want to join the training but have financial concerns, please do not hesitate to apply and ask for what works for you. Your situation will be sincerely considered.
The program primarily takes part in an on-line classroom, but also includes two trips to Oregon, USA- in May of year one and September of year two.
The Application and Question/Answer sessions
Application & Enrollment Schedule (2025-26)
for the next round of studies, taking place during the 2025-2026 Academic Years: The Application Period is open as of June 6th, 2024. Applications are available via the links on this page.
April 2024: Question and Answer sessions announced
April/May 2024: Preliminary reach out and promotion
June 6th, 2024: Application period opens/ applications will be available.
June 12th and 21st, 2024 On-line Q&A sessions. Recordings available by request.
August-September 2024: Interviews take place
September 2024: acceptance/denial letters sent, financial aide offers sent.
Late September 2024: enrollment confirmation and deposits due
October 2024: Welcome packets sent, enrollment contracts due
November 2024: Introduction Meeting and Module one assignments sent
January 2025: Weekly classes begin
December 2026: Graduation
Program Description
Who this program is for:
Those desiring a thorough and holistic education to become a certified Sexual Health Educator and a Fertility Awareness Educator (FAE).
The Two Year Teacher Training program will provide the educational foundation and material mastery for creating and sustaining a sexual health and fertility awareness education and consulting practice. Specifically, a certified FAE/SHE will be prepared to offer the following to their clientele:
A deep understanding of the inter-relationship of the endocrine system to the greater female physiology and whole systems health
A holistic/functional medicine approach to health and health coaching
An understanding of the relationship of our bodies/health to the natural world
Body literacy education and extensive self-monitoring tools and self-care skills
The skills to track cycle and overall health and body patterns via the ‘Cycle Mapping’ Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) taught by Sarah.
Use of Cycle Mapping for self awareness, contraception and conception
Use of Cycle Mapping for gauging gynecological health throughout the reproductive years and beyond
Support and counsel around basic diet and lifestyle practices that uphold hormonal health
Support, advocacy and protocols for dealing with reproductive/sexual health imbalances and pathology
Support around conscious sexuality
Support with navigating the life transitions and thresholds of puberty, preconception, pregnancy, postpartum, peri-menopause and menopause.
Support and advocacy for pregnancy options/outcomes
*Please note that a more in depth list of competencies as seen by our professional organization are available here.
*Please also note that an FAE/RHE is an educator, not a medical doctor and will not be using their skills for diagnosing or treating illness.
A Certified FAE/SHE will also receive:
Access to the resources needed for running a practice; including hand-outs, documents, charts, visual aides, and other organizational materials
Basic professional skills, scientific literacy training, cultural agility education and logistical tips for running a business
Basic counseling skills necessary for working with clients in this capacity, including trauma informed care basics and cultural agility training.
Certification from ‘The Well Body School of Body Literacy’
Title recognition and accreditation as an FAE and access to membership and website listing with our professional organization, AFAP. (Association of Fertility Awareness Professionals)*
*AFAP is the only international network of non-religious based Fertility Awareness Professionals. It is the evolution of the Fertility Awareness Network (FAN) and FA Center, which were founded in 1981 by Barbara Feldman and more recently run by a board of directors and collaborative administration. AFAP provides FA professionals the opportunity to stay connected as a part of a professional community, stay accountable to a standard of care, share information and research, serve our profession with committee work and take part in continued education opportunities.
2025-2026 Total Tuition for the two year program is offered as a sliding scale from $9,800-$12,800. All funds received beyond the baseline $9,800 will go directly to assist with tuition for those unable to pay the base fee and are not eligible for work trade.
**Scholarships and payment plans are available. Please see FAQ's*
The tuition…
Does not include required text books (which are minimal)
Does not include travel expenses, lodging, craft supplies or food for the two Ashland gatherings.
DOES include all required classes/lectures during the Ashland intensive.
Does not include fees to internship mentor in year two ($600USD) which are earned while teaching your practice class thus are NOT an actual expense.
**No matter your financial situation, if your passion and desire is strong, please apply.
What students are saying
“Spending time with Sarah Bly in the world of The Well School for Body Literacy is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Sarah is a gentle and gifted teacher who allows each student to journey through their own process of making the material their own and developing their own unique teaching style. Working with my cohort I created lifelong friendships and am a part of a community bringing intentional, body honoring, cycle awareness to the world and I will always be grateful for the lessons and relationships that I gained through The Well.”
“The Well’s Teacher Training Program allowed me to envision a world where reproductive health care is truly holistic & it gave me the skills to participate in creating that world within my own community...
The years I spent studying in the Teacher Training Program were truly some of the best years of my life”
“Taking Sarah’s class was one of the best choices I’ve ever made. This program could have easily been a checklist of things that you need to know to become a fertility awareness educator, but instead Sarah has made it a powerful community building and heart opening experience that leaves your cup full of love, passion, integrity, as well as a deep understanding of the material”
“My knowledge of the fertility awareness method, hormones in general, and approaches to help my clients has deepened immensely. I finish this course feeling confident, inspired, and excited to use the information I’ve learned to help my clients and to spread the benefits of Fertility Awareness far and wide.”
Program format
Year One: Completion of six training modules. 3 day Wilderness Retreat in Southern Oregon
Modules each include:
Module outline and goals
Reading, video and research assignments
Student Presentation Assignments
Hand out Assignments
Study Questions
Booklist and Resource List
Guest Teacher Visits
Six weekly classes
Private Consults
End of Module Review Questions
Module Requirements:
Attend weekly class (3 hours/week for six of every eight weeks)
Complete homework assignments (including a power point presentation every other module, study questions, handouts and Review Questions)
Attend one private module review session every other module with Sarah (60-75 minutes)
Approximate time commitment= 8-10 hours/week on average.
Module Topics:
The history/politics/metaphors/uses of Cycle Tracking and variations of methods. Women’s/Gender studies and Reproductive Justice. Contraceptive method options. Scientific Literacy. Healthcare Models.
Endocrine anatomy and physiology. Whole body physiology and interrelations. FA and functional medicine.
The Cycle Mapping Practice. Vaginal Microbiome. Cervical Health. STI’s. Femtech.
The phases of the female life cycle. Applying Body Literacy practices through the years. Self-care during life passages.
Gynecological Health/Pathology. Nutrition and lifestyle support. Chart assessment skills.
Integrating Complementary Healthcare practices. Basic Counseling Skills. Professionalism, Collaborative care and practicing in community.
Wilderness Retreat:
During the late spring of your first year of studies we will gather in Southern Oregon for a 3 day wilderness retreat. This is not required but *highly encouraged*. Exceptions made for those students from overseas or with financial hardship. Dates (generally late May) will be given by the first of the year.
Year Two: Continued material mastery and Supervised Internship. Classes continue to take place 2-3x per month with student led study groups once per month, private internship review sessions monthly and occasional weeks off.
Classes include:
Master classes: teacher, guest teacher and student lectures with discussion on topics of interest
Practice Presentations: an opportunity to practice mini-lectures you will be offering during your internship.
Chart reviews/Case Studies: both teacher, guest teacher and student led
Study Group: student led classes on topics of interest, one each month
Private internship sessions with your mentors.
Ashland Intensive:
All students are required to attend a one week intensive in Ashland, Oregon, USA. The intensive occurs in September of the second year of studies and is required for graduation. This is a weeklong gathering with morning and afternoon sessions and training opportunities with local professionals in related fields.
Lodging and travel are not included in tuition though assistance may be available for those in need. Guest lectures and all class sessions are included in general tuition.
When prepared to do so, students will begin the internship phase of the program. The internship includes:
Teaching a series of classes in your community, attended by your mentor.
4-7 months of supervised private consults- as per graduation requirements
Activism Project: designed by student and overseen by facilitator, a chance to serve in your community.
Private meetings with instructor and your mentor (2-3xmonth) as needed to assess internship projects
Preparation and finalization of teaching materials needed for professional practice
Graduation and certification!
One 3 hour class 2-3x/month with occasional breaks.
In person intensive in Ashland, OR each year.
Private sessions with Sarah and your mentor 2-3x/month or as needed.
The Team at The Well
The WellBody School of Body Literacy was founded in 2011 by Sarah Bly, FAE, SHE and former midwife. Though Sarah continues to be a primary facilitator at The Well, the school and curriculum are upheld and taught collaboratively, including co-facilitator and teacher Majida Sa’ida Al-Husaam, a fantastic team of mentors and a whole host of guest speakers. Please read on to get to know the team of FAE’s and other professionals that make The Well so deep.
Faculty, co-facilitator
Majida Saida Al-Husaam
A lifelong advocate for sexual-reproductive sovereignty through mind-body-spirit literacy and connection, Majida has received certifications in the areas of yoga, massage therapy, nutritional therapy, doula support, financial trauma, various meditation and energetic healing modalities, and clinical hypnotherapy.
Majida is a graduate of The Well's School of Body Literacy under the mentorship of Sarah Bly. As a Fertility Awareness Educator (FAE) and Holistic Reproductive and Sexual Health Educator (HRSHE), Majida is passionate about serving women and female-bodied individuals in growing and healing through tapping into the ancestral wisdom of body literacy as an empowering practice for self-love and self-care.
Additionally, Majida graduated from Northwestern University’s Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program. Her clinical and research focus include sex therapy, financial therapy, reproductive psychology, somatic therapy, trauma-informed counseling, epigenetics and intergenerational trauma, and clinical applications of psychoneuroimmunology. Majida is passionate about providing solidarity-oriented, integrative, multiculturally-informed mental health and wellness services in the areas of sexual-reproductive trauma and financial stress for women.
Majida is also a member of the American Counselor Association (ACA), the Financial Therapy Association (FTA), the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT), the International Association of Interpersonal Hypnotherapists (IAIH), and the Association for Fertility Awareness Educators (AFAP).
She lives in Central Georgia with her supportive hubby and two ginger kitties.
Mentor Team
Mary Aline
Mary Aline (she/they) has been teaching folks how to track their cycles since 2020 after she completed Sarah Bly’s program 2 year Reproductive and Sexual Health program through The Well. Mary Aline’s passion for reproductive health and justice is also reflected in her work as a board member of the Association of Fertility Awareness Practitioners. Mary is passionate about being a part of a new paradigm of reproductive health- one that offers informed choice, empowers the individual, is nurturing, honors our wisdom, and supports our planet.
Christine Camilleri
Christine is a Healing Arts Practitioner guiding women into remembering their innate wisdom and power through bodywork, education and sacred circles.
She holds special interest in empowering women who are on a fertility or chronic health journey, become their own healers. To hold an embodied understanding of the intelligence within their cycles, bodies and psyche with nature and the cosmos as a guide.
Her offerings include Fertility Awareness Education, Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Spiritual Healing, Sound Healing, Women’s Sacred Circles, workshops and retreats.
Monica Frayne
Monica Frayne is a Certified Doula, Student Midwife, and Certified Fertility Awareness Educator and Sexual Reproductive Health Educator living in Mid-Missouri, in the unceded ancestral lands of the Osage, Otoe, and Missouria, to name a few. She graduated from The Well in 2021, and now mentors 2nd year students during their internship phase. She loves supporting students as they step into becoming Educators! In her own practice, she sees a range of clients, from people who are trying to conceive, practicing FAM for contraception, and people who are interested in increasing their body literacy and better understanding their hormonal health. She also teaches Body Literacy to youth from ages 8-14 in a nature and arts-based curriculum. All of her work is grounded in inclusivity as well as social and environmental justice.
Becki Lanham
“It is an incredible honor and source of gratitude to journey alongside others on their paths toward becoming FAM Educators. With nearly two decades of experience as a bodyworker, birth and bereavement doula, FAM and Sexual & Reproductive Health Educator, Arvigo Practitioner, and teacher for the Arvigo Institute, my passion lies in empowering others to find healing with themselves and embrace personal autonomy.
Beyond my role with The Well, I find great joy in serving my local community through my holistic practice nestled among the serene mountains of Virginia. When I step away from the office, you'll likely catch me in the company of my husband, our wonderful son, three pups, and happy flock of free-ranging chickens. Together, as a family, we wholeheartedly embrace sustainable living, which led us to embark on a fulfilling labor of love—building our energy-efficient home on our cherished little homestead.”
Katinka Locascio
Katinka began her charting journey in 2001 when she met and studied with Katie Singer, author of the Garden of Fertility, igniting a passion for fertility awareness and its role in reproductive health. Over the past 2 decades she has incorporated charting into her work as massage therapist, doula, osteopathic manual practitioner and within the herbal community. She has taught individuals, large groups, and herbal practitioners about the usefulness of charting. In 2018, she completed Grace of the Moon’s (now The Well’s) Teacher Training program. She currently lives and practices in New York City, NY.
Whitney Miley Price
Whitney is a Certified Fertility Awareness & Reproductive Health Educator with over a decade of cycle charting experience. She offers instruction in both the Symptothermal Method and the Billings Ovulation Method, supporting clients at every phase of the cycling years including postpartum and perimenopause. Whitney teaches online and in-person in the Metro Atlanta area, offering private consultations and group classes.
Tamara Rubin
“I’m Tamara Rubin, a Fertility Awareness and Sexual and Reproductive Health Educator certified by The Well in 2016. I see private clients individually and teach group classes in-person in New York and online. I’ve been a mentor at The Well since 2019 and started seeing clients on the Maven platform in June 2022. I am an active member of the Association of Fertility Awareness Professionals where I’ve had the privilege of working with a diverse group of highly credentialed, wise women dedicated to empowering all humans through body literacy and access to respectful care. I’ve also completed DONA doula training, the Pregnancy Options Workshop at All Options, and studied western herbalism with Jon Carlson. Before beginning this deeply meaningful work, I had a long career in educational publishing and, with my loving husband, raised three sons now in their twenties. They all know more than they ever dreamed could be known about cervical fluid.”
Jessa Youngs L.Ac., FAE
Jessa Youngs L.Ac. FAE is a holistic health practitioner and cycle & pelvic health educator dedicated to helping reclaim the inherent vitality & nourishment of the menstrual cycle by merging Chinese medicine with functional medicine and essential feminine wisdom. She is delighted to provide FAM mentorship for graduating interns at the Well. When not serving in her clinical practice Embodied Wholeness online and in-person in Fort Collins, Colorado, you’ll find her singing, dancing, gardening, cooking, gathering in sister circles and soaking in the beauty of the earth with her husband in their ‘78 VW bus.
Regular Guest Teachers
Each round of the program we bring in around a dozen guest teachers and speakers to cover various topics related to our work. Below I would like to introduce you to a few core collaborators whose contributions are essential to our program.
Karen O’Dougherty
Karen O’Dougherty has been a puberty educator for 24 years. She believes all youth have the right to accurate, direct and honest information in regards to their changing bodies in a safe and playful environment with their peers. For 3 years Karen has brought puberty education to the students at The Well and is currently certifying people to be Body Basics and Beyond educators across the country.
Cera Merrick
Cera is a Vegas-born plant lover. They practice as a clinical herbalist, medicine maker, abortion doula, and fertility awareness educator based on Ohlone land in the East Bay of CA. They humbly walk with the plants on a path toward collective liberation and reproductive autonomy. They enjoy crocheting, cooking ancestral foods from scratch, and sharing the plant wisdom passed to them to those who are interested in deepening with the plants. They offer fertility awareness education layered with plant wisdom to support those in every phase of their life. They specialize in supporting people through abortions and miscarriages. You can learn more about their offerings on IG @cera_wisewinds or via their website wise-winds.com
Victor Warring, MA
Victor is an Erotic ReWilder, Somatic (body-centered) Sexuality Educator, Mentor, Coach and also an Erotic Activist. He is passionate about supporting people in discovering the truth of their erotic sovereignty and removing any self-imposed, internalized or socially imposed blocks that interfere with the expression of their erotic brilliance. Using a full spectrum of supports, from counseling to experiential movement practices to sexological bodywork to partner surrogacy; Victor offers permission and a safe container for clients and communities to “normalize the normal” human desire of erotic wholeness.
Victor is also a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) educator and works with people in understanding the intersections where the body, sexuality, inclusion, oppression, racism, white supremacy and decolonization are interwoven.
To see more about his work or to make inquiries visit him online: www.rewilderos.com
Instagram: @bonobo_man
Jon Carlson
(JULY 27, 1966 – NOVEMBER 16, 2022)
Jon was a regular guest teacher, colleague, collaborator and deep inspiration for many parts of the curriculum at The Well. His work will forever guide Sarah’s teaching and inevitably and positively impact future students.
About Jon:
Jon began his studies of western herbalism, clinical nutrition, and Chinese medicine in 1991. He established his own clinical herbal practice in 1999 and founded the Vitalist School of Herbology in 2003. He received his formal training from the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine (with the late Michael Moore) and the Acupressure Institute in Berkeley, CA, as well as completing a 3-year apprenticeship in 5-element acupuncture. Blending traditional practices and modern research perspectives, Jon’s teachings are heavily influenced by functional medicine, Chinese 5-Element Theory, and principles of permaculture.
Jon, you are deeply appreciated and dearly missed.
Character of the Program
The WellBody School of Body Literacy (formerly GOTM) seeks to train educators who serve their clients in becoming more embodied, empowered and proactive in their health care. We seek to serve a diverse population of women and people with wombs, offering comprehensive education, self-care tools, advocacy and support during their reproductive years and beyond. The training program teaches use of a cycle charting practice as the foundational tool for this larger scope of self-awareness and health care education, but involves a plethora of other practices embedded in the Body Literacy backdrop. The program incorporates many facets of reproductive and sexual health education, including empowerment, conscious sexuality, lifestyle and nutrition studies, environmental awareness, patient advocacy and referral skills to offer clients assistance in maintaining health and balance in their reproductive years.
The program is designed to be a collaborative, holistic, full-spectrum education in the field of Sexual Health and Fertility Awareness. It has been created as such in hopes of maximizing the students’ exposure to the diverse perspectives held by other students, teachers and styles. Though the program offers a set of guidelines for a cycle charting practice as created by ‘The WellBody Institute’ and in accordance with evidence based studies of the method, the program also gives students an objective look at the various ways of practicing self-awareness and other FABM and lets each student find their own truth and resonance within the whole.
The first year of the program is run on a spacious but routine schedule, which provides this close knit group to navigate the material together while leaving plentiful time to meet the requirements with ease in their potentially busy lives. Sitting in classes and study groups together, face to face yet on-line (thanks to the ZOOM platform), choosing and dividing research amongst the students, we will share the path of learning, gaining from one another’s expertise, personal experiences and opinions while also witnessing the educational choices each is making. This will serve to expand the amount of input and collective research possible by having many minds working together. Another benefit of this educational style is the opportunity to grow and deepen one’s own personal truth while avoiding a dogmatic approach, thus retaining tolerance for others’ ideas and beliefs…
Our curriculum takes a holistic stance on the practices taught, focusing on the empowerment they offer and the deep self-awareness and intimacy created. The Cycle Mapping practice and the specific tools of contraception and conscious conception are thus not as the mainstay of the practice but rather the natural consequence of this developing connection to one’s self, one’s body and the expansive educated mind. We will be incorporating the psychological aspects into a foundation built on both the science and interpersonal powers of this work.
The program offers a thorough, scientific and evidence based education and a solid, strong and well-rounded foundation for which students can build from to become experts in the particular avenues within the field they feel most drawn to follow. As the main facilitator of the program, I hope to create a budding community of FAE/SHE Educators that are up to date and well read in their field, politically aware and active, and that have the tools to create the change they wish to see. I imagine teachers who are living, loving examples of empowerment and sovereignty, modeling this strength and exquisite freedom to their peers and students. I imagine these women walking away from the program with confidence in their ability to interact with other professionals, health care providers and colleagues, yet with respect of their differences. I see them holding a powerful yet humble trust in the material, which is gained from the embodiment of the practices as much as it is from the academic work. I see this program birthing educators who will go on to have great impact on the future of women’s health and sexual health in their particular culture; offering tools for the next evolution of ‘sexual liberation’. Together we are creating a new story that does not hinge on chemicals and procedures, but on connection and trust in one’s biology and a knowing of the perfection of our bodies and the earth that sustains them. These educators will be leaders in a shifting paradigm that guides people back to being the experts of their own bodies and living in connection to the rhythms of nature.
I see these same women/people ready and willing to go beyond offering basic sex education and advancing in time to serve a wide range of populations, including those just entering their cycling years, women on their way out of their fertile years, those needing support in the foundations of their reproductive system and health, those challenged to conceive and those seeking pre-conception counseling. I see these same teachers as leaders politically in the field of sexual education, being advocates for increased personal awareness in schools, institutions and health care facilities... I see them as advocates also in the field of environmental health and reproductive justice, making health education available to all, regardless of gender or sexual identity or religious, economic or marital status.
Students will continually be encouraged to help co-create a curriculum that will best serve their communities. As a facilitator I will guide each student in finding their strengths, weaknesses and passions and how these will be reflected in their practice. The model for public offerings will be based on material guidelines but will be shaped to meet the individual and her community.
The curriculum is deeply rooted in a traditional model of healthcare that is non-linear, intuitive and holistic, yet blended with the best science has to offer.
If these intentions and visions describe a path you see for yourself in this life, please consider joining us. Thank you for your interest in this wonderful body of material.
Course Requirements and Pre-requisites
Requirements for application:
At least one year of charting your cycle daily, including cervical fluid and basal body temperature bio-markers.
Attendance at one Fertility Awareness workshop with certified FAE; or equivalent one on one study with an educator or in an on-line program.
A college level Anatomy and Physiology course or equivalent self-study (if necessary this can be completed after enrollment but prior to classes beginning)
Either academic or personal research in the field of women/gender studies
Either academic or personal research/practice in the field of conscious communication skills
For white participants= attendance in an anti-racism or de-colonization course
Willingness to participate in weekly on-line classes and to communicate clearly, maturely & honestly with students and teachers.
A completed application
A $60USD processing fee
Requirements for enrollment:
Attendance at one of two Q and A sessions in the summer
An interview in person or on-line
Acceptance letter**
Signing of a commitment contract
Signing of a personal contract
Signing of the financial agreement
A $600 non-refundable deposit towards tuition
**Please note that I am not able to accept all those who apply. I take 12-14 students each year and usually have many more than that number of applicants.
Preparations for those interested in joining the program
in the future
If you would like to be a part of the training program but are not feeling fully prepared... Or you hope to enroll but have to wait until another round is beginning... here are some tips to help you get on your way.
Here are my favorite books, bridging several related areas. If you go on to enroll in the program, you'll be way ahead of the game!
Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler (new edition)
The Garden of Fertility by Katie Singer
A New View of a Woman’s Body ~Federation of Feminist Women’s Health Centers (Get it here: http://www.fwhc.org/sale3.htm)
Her Blood is Gold by Lara Owen
Mysteries of the Dark Moon by Demetra George
Witches, Midwives, and Nurses: A History of Women Healers by Ehrenreich and English
Women’s Anatomy of Arousal by Sherri Winston
The Pill: Are you sure it’s for you? By Alexandra Pope and Jane Bennet
Our Stolen Future by Theo Colbourne
Full Moon Feast, Jessica Prentice
Healing Wise by Susun Weed
Women’s Wheel Of Life by Elizabeth Davis
The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution by Aviva Romm
Hormone Intelligence by Aviva Romm
Wise Power by Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer and Alexandra Pope
This is the foundation of the education offered. Tune in deeper and deeper with your own body and cycle and let it be your teacher. Chart not only the primary signs but other symptoms, supplements, feelings and sensations. Dig in and enjoy this precious body you live in.
Spend time with the earth:
There is no better way to learn about your own body, to learn to teach others about their bodies... then to listen to the greater body of our planet. Pay close attention to the cycles, seasons, the CHANGE that is constant, the subtle voices, the ways in which you can serve. This will make a difference.
Find teachers:
Whether on line or in your community, observe classes from others teaching FAM or other related material. See FA educators in action, take note of different teaching styles, collect information and find what works for you. Take notes and notice what moves you.
Do your research:
Find ways to stay current with the latest information in the field. Try 'google alerts' on topics such as 'Fertility Awareness' 'Hormonal Health' and other topics of your choice. 'Like' my business page on Facebook as well as other organizations dedicated to sharing articles and writings. Spend a little time each week following threads on things that inspire you in the realm of health and FA.
Network in your community:
Meet the practitioners in your area that are ‘Body Literacy’ oriented. Go to free events, meet and greets and find other ways to meet Naturopaths, Acupuncurists, Functional Medicine Doctors, Midwives, Arvigo practitioners and other healers and educators in your community.
FAQ's: Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if I qualify for a scholarship?
Scholarship offerings are based both on financial need as well as on creating a diverse student body. I seek to gather an international group of students representing various income levels, races, lifestyles and cultural perspectives. Thus, I offer assistance to make the course possible across those divides.
Please explore this document to see what scholarships are available for each cohort. When applying you will answer specific questions to be considered for these scholarships. I am unable to calculate or make estimates on scholarship amounts until all applications are received. Once assessing the need of the applicant pool I will reach out with scholarship awards. If you are being asked to join the program, you will receive a scholarship and/or work trade offer at that time.
Can you tell me more about the diversity scholarship?
I offer three ‘Diversity Scholarships’ each year to applicants that identify as a POC. These scholarships will cover between 40-75% of the tuition. Please identify your interest in this scholarship with your application. The intentions behind this scholarship are: 1. making reparations to citizens in the USA that have personally, ancestorally or culturally experienced less access to higher education and FA education due to racism's effect in our country and educational institutions and 2. Increasing access and therefore diversity in the classroom, which ultimately serves communities of color through bringing this groundbreaking work to them and serves all participants through broadening the perspectives brought forth in our collaboratively based education model.
Is the program entirely on-line and can it be taken from anywhere in the world?
A majority of the program (nearly weekly classes for two years) takes place on-line on the Zoom platform. There are two trips to Oregon, USA however; one required, one highly encouraged. Anyone is welcome to apply, regardless of location. The only challenges to consider would be if the time zone difference (classes take place from 9-12 PST) will work for your schedule and if travel to Oregon will be possible. Please speak directly to me with questions about this topic.
What if I have not done one of the pre-requisites, can I still apply?
You will have the rest of the year from application until the program starts to fulfill the requirements. I will prioritize applicants who have a longer history of charting experience but will not rule out those only having charted for a year.
Is the tuition listed above for each year or for the entire program?
The tuition is for the entire two year program.
Is the class time always from 9-12 PST?
Generally yes. Each year we alternate from Wednesdays to Thursdays. This is not set in stone however and I will consider exceptions due to the needs of the group. The intention is to make the course available to folks across the globe and this seems to be the best time frame for that.
What if I work a 9-5 job, can I watch the classes on video?
Classes are recorded, however it is optimal for all students to attend classes live. Speak with me personally if you want to discuss this. Many past students have been able to make arrangements with their employers to work around this situation.
Where do I fulfill my Anatomy of Physiology course requirement?
Any college level A&P class will work. Many colleges and universities offer online courses, which are more affordable and accessible. You may also be able to audit a class at a local community college. Because college credit is not necessary for this program, you can take any non-credit online courses that covers the western science basics of the human body systems. Here are two recommended options:
Heart Stone Anatomy and Physiology Online Course: I am grateful that the teacher of this class has offered a discounted rate for program applicants.
Free course to audit with Khan Acadamy
YouTube Channel with full A&P course
The Application and Question/Answer sessions
Q&A sessions for 2026-27 cohort will be held on June 2nd (5pm PST) and June 30th (9am PST)